Wednesday 23 March 2011

Fresh start

I'm afraid the gardening rather took over the blogging last year. So this year the blog has a new name and it's blogger has new resolve.
An update. The hedge is no more. Or rather, it is reduced to a number of two-foot long sticks. I am told I need to dig out the remains and I will - if I can. This may need more brawn than I have but a local gardener who trains horticulture students at tells me it may not be too hard..and if it is he offered to give me a hand.
There's now a good view over the wall of the beds if anyone at the bus stop cares to look. There's some rather fine Cavolo Nero (posh kale to you and me), purple-sprouting broccoli, garlic, broad beans, some tiny rocket, even tinier spinach and beetroot seeds. Overall it doesn't look half bad - and it's only March.
My allotment-ing friend gave me the best compliment. "No one at the allotment has this much now."